How To Convert Big Size Wallpapers To Small Size In A Second!!!

Hello guys today we gonna see that how to reduse and convert the wallpapers.. We had that many of them downloading from different sites in bunch of wallpapers around 200mb to 300mb.. But you have got only around 40 wallpapers. So for only 40 wallpapers 300mb size is huge and waste of space.

So we have a choice to reduse the wallpapers in a second....But you have to download a one application..You can convert unlimited wallpapers in a time.. 

We think many of them know about this convertor but we are publishing to new one which no one knows about it..

The application name called " Format Factory" . You can convert any type of wallpapers to any type and its a free version you can download from google search and download it the latest version and its free to updatable

This application is converting wallpaper from 5mb to  800kb without losing any pixel of the wallpapers.We are showing the proof of the converting  sizes different below

The below wallpapers is taken from the  gameplay by using fraps. Fraps size are higher that we think its have a 3mb to 4mb of one screenshot. but the image pixel will be clear at 720p. 

Before Converting

The above wallpapers taken the size is 3mb. So we gonna convert the same wallpaper by using format factory. Check the result below

After Converting

You can see the exact wallpapers size was 3mb but after converting its become to 200kb... And its not reduced any pixels or clarity. We sure you can trust and download this application from google search and its free ware to all

And also you can convert any type of audio,video etc...its take some min to complete its depend on your file size.

You have still doubt about it ? You can watch below our video created by own with this application
Check the video below and enjoy 



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