How To Earn Money Online ? #1

Hi there,
Today we gonna see that how to earn money online?. This question have most of people bcoz every one are like to earn money online bcoz this is the part time job but some one are earning more and real money 

There is many scam site that will do fraud to by asking you to invest or clicking ads like ptc , marketing and many of them so you have to choose the right path.There have many scam site as well as legit site also but we are not going to post the site link which site is scam or ligit but we will annouce the only ligit site one by one

Today we gonna see the world top post advertiser network called "Google Adsense" yes this is 100% trustable and they paying very highly for all. You can earn money by using adsense is many way like youtube,blogger and website.

The main thing is first of all you have to read the "Google Adsense" policy and terms and condition bcoz they have some rules to use the network. Ok now we gonna tell the method to earn from google adsense steps below

Method - 1

1. Create a youtube channel
2. Select the best category to upload videos (make sure you have create by your own not copy other video and reupload)
3. By doing second step your channel get strike and get deleted automatically.
4.  Upload some good content about 3 to 4 videos.
5.  Now go to "Monitize tab" and enable it.
6. After that you can see the every video will get the $ symbol click on that select "Monitize in all country" then save it.
7. After some min it will change to green colour means your video ready to start earning from your video
8. If they not turn to green and its in same dull colour or ? mark means your video will not eligible for earning video ( learn the youtube policy)
9. This is best way to earn from every video with every single views
10. Dont forgot to learn youtube policy and terms

Method - 2

1. Create a Blogger its free!!!
2. Post some usefull tips or your own review about something real.
3. Get some real visitors by sharing social medias
4. Try to get popular and get your blog in google search
5. After all done go to "earning tab" and apply for adsense
6. They will review your blog, wait till they reply
7. If your blog contain good and original content they will acceptt your blog annd you can see the ads on your blog
8. If not they will tell  via mail why the refused your blog
9. So try to put original content and get accpeted from adsense. So that you can earn money from every visitors and earn for some ads clicks ( main thing is dont ask any one to click your ads ). Adsense will find and disbale your account without any information
10. Read the blogger policy and terms

If you have a website like .com or .net means do the same steps above for blogger . These are the method to earn from "Google adsense". If your work exactly you can earn more and more!!!

If you have any doubt feel freeto comment below



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