Purpose Of Web hosting

Hi There now we gonna teach about web hosting...Many of them searching the web for web hosting pupose doing online.

Actually web hosting is "Online Storage" . You can store your files online and share to world wide.Most of them using hosting for thier own website file sharing for games , software , application etc. 90% of websites are running only with web hostings without hosting they cant share their files in websites.

You can create free websites online to share any files but you need web hosting to upload and share your files worldwide. Many of them using hosting to share large files like movies and games. If you want to create a free website or blog you can do.. The list is below


Many more is there to create free blog. The next step to buy a domain and change into .com or .net like it..whenever you create it looks like "example.blogspot.com" after purchasing domain you can change to www.example.com. the domains are available at very low price. 

If you creating through wordpress then you need web hosting to start a website. In blogger you can upload some max files but in wordpress you can able to upload their server without hosting.

Web hosting are avalibale at low price with monthly pay or early pay. Its upon you can pay every month or you can pay yearly once. But be carefull to buy hosting or domain in trusted sites. The trusted sites names are below


The above three sites are very trusted and will give more offers every time purchasing..We didnt check the other domain or hosting sites.

If you have any problem through this post feel free to contact us or comment below 




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